Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our favorite teen queen, Miley Cyrus, was seen out in the streets of Pasadena today with a very handsome mystery man!

Okay, so maybe he's not such a mystery!

That's right, Nashville Star's Justin Gaston (the same hottie who stars in Taylor Swift's brand new music video: 'Love Story') strolled alongside Miley & the rest of the Cyrus family today as they attended a Sunday Morning Church Service in California.

Bibles in hands and family by their side, the duo enjoyed an after service lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, which seems to be a Sunday tradition for Miss 'Milez'.

To view all of the rest of the images, visit:

What do you think about Miley bringing a boy-toy to church? Is this a genuine act of friendship, or do you think Justin is just trying to get some publicity by being seen out with Miley? Let us know!

ALL Images Credit: JustJared

Written By: Annette
14 Sep 2008