Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jonas Brothers are continuing to answer your questions through their myspace blog. Be sure to check out their latest entry, titled 'Answers 2.' (Posted Below)

"Hey everyone! Thanks for all the responses to the last blog where we answered questions about Dating and Blogs.
Today's questions come from Nikki & Taylor:

1. when will you do another video chat?

We are trying to work out details for a live chat right now. We know that there have been a lot of rumors about a live chat. We will let everyone know through MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, YouTube, etc.

2. how would you go about dating a fan? - i mean like how would you get to know her?

We are just like everyone else when it comes to love and attraction. When we meet a girl we are interested in we try to get to know her and look for ways to make that happen. The hard part is finding a place where we can have privacy to get to know someone.

3. do you like muffins? =]

Yes. Love muffins. Favorites are BLUEBERRY

4.why is home depot spelled home de.pot? hehe
Don't know???

5. do you feel like you guys have changed from who you used to be?

Not at all. We are a whole lot more busy. We feel like we are the same people. For us it doesn't matter how many opportunities come our is still most important. Staying grounded is also very important.

6. whats your favorite memory on the burning up tour?

Playing 3 nights at Madison Square Garden was an amazing experience. We grew up outside of New York so this was very special for us.

7. do you feel like when your dating a celeb there is too much drama?

A lot of the celebrities we have met are normal people too. It really depends on the person. You can have drama with anyone if they are prone to drama.

8. how does it feel to know your being compared to the Beatles?

It is an honor BUT we definitely DO NOT compare ourselves to the Beatles. They are our idols. We look to them as a source of inspiration but we don't think anyone will have the impact that the Beatles have had on music.

9. what happen to the camp rock contest?- there was a contest at target if you win you get to go to the radio disney thing. and my friends and i put in over 400[seriously] things. and we havent heard about it since.

Not sure. Ask Radio Disney or someone at Target. Sorry

10. can you sleep with music on?

Yes, we have learned to sleep everywhere and anywhere!

---Thanks everyone. We will be looking for more questions in the next few days. Keep checking in.
JBKevin, Joe and Nick"

I've gotta say, some of these questions were pretty odd, but it's great to see JB interacting with their fans!

Written By: Annette
21 Sep 2008