Tuesday, September 30, 2008

There is a school of thought that any time is a good time for goth makeup ideas. Not being a person who likes the heavy feel of gothic makeup, I tend not to give it much thought until September or October in preparation for making appearances at fall harvest festivals and Halloween parties where wild eye makeup and hairstyles are the norm.

For those new to the scene, you might be a smug little novice to the realm of darkness and firmly hold the belief that the key to the successful application of goth makeup and eyeliner requires nothing more than lots of black eyeliner and shadow. So what if you are partially correct in your assumption; do not underestimate the imagination and artistry necessary to present yourself with a seamless and totally coordinated look from the top of your spiked hair to the tips of a beautiful pedicure with sharp, pointed toenails that have been painted with the blood red polish of your choosing.

There have been years when I had worn my hair bleached white for the summer and I took advantage of this time to use creative streaking with amazing colors for my hair. The hot pink or electric blue really looked cool with the platinum blonde in the background and the colors wouldn’t have been as eye catching on my dark black hair which resembles a raven’s wing in its natural state.

You may be amazed to find that gothic makeup tips for blondes and brunettes are worlds apart. There’s no rule that says that goth chicks with bleached blonde hair can’t use the same dramatic black eye makeup application ideas as ladies of the night with natural or dyed black hair, but it’s my honest opinion that blondes might explore the possibility of matching the colors of their eye shadow and liner to the neon streaks in their hairdo.

Black may be the color of choice for most goth makeup, but try purple, red, bold pink or even electric blue shadows and see what it does for your look. If it’s not your favorite look; so what? In the fall of the year there’s a party every night and you wouldn’t want to wear the same look more than once.
30 Sep 2008