Paparazzi Princess, Miley Cyrus, has been out & about lately (as previously posted).
Luckilly, the folks over at HollywoodTV have caught her every move on video.
Watch below as Miley hangs out with a friend, discusses milkshakes, and goes to the Cheesecake Factory with her family & new friend Justin Gaston (Nashville Star & Underwear Model.)
"Miley Cyrus hangs out with a friend/discusess milkshakes" (9/15/08)
"Miley Cyrus goes to Cheesecake Factory & Coffee Bean" (9/13/08)
I've gotta give the girl credit for dealing with those paps! I'd get extremely annoyed by them asking so many questions after a while :/ What do you think??
Written By: Annette
Tuesday, September 16, 2008