Saturday, September 13, 2008

Could Miley Cyrus be collaborating with Donnie?

Credit: Photobucket

Making the Band's Donnie Klang commented on his thoughts towards Disney Channel Superstar, Miley Cyrus.

“Miley Cyrus is about to take her career in a whole new direction. I’ve been writing with that in mind. I would love to do a song with her," he said [source: JustJared], "I wrote a song called ‘Rebelling’ that I feel like would fit her. Especially for a singer that’s in the limelight at such a young age, she’s eventually going to hit a point, like Britney [Spears] or Lindsay [Lohan], where she needs to go out and rebel.”

I'm not sure what to make of Donnie's comment. Should Miley take that as a compliment? Or should she strive to prove him wrong on the 'rebelling' front? What do you think?

Written By: Annette
13 Sep 2008