Friday, December 17, 2010

Seychelles Women's Cloak & Dagger Pump

Edgy style gets grounded with an earthy vibe in this Cloak & Dagger pump from Seychelles. The rich leather upper is adorned with studded trim for tough-girl appeal, while the wooden platform and heel offer Old World inspiration.

There has been a significant shift in the way that women think, act and shop. The way they dress reflects this new independent spirit but women, with incredible person style, have been void a special shoe brand until Seychelles!! The Seychelles girl thrives on being unique and doesn't follow any rules or trends. She is hip and vibrant and has her own natural style, using fashion as a way to supplement it. She wears what she wants, how she wants and looks fabulous doing so. With her own sense of flair, the Seychelles Girl mixes current trends, vintage finds and designer pieces to enhance her every look.
17 Dec 2010