Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hair is a woman's crown, with the condition of thick, healthy shine a yearning. now with the present blend 3 colors of land, which became the hair color fashion trend 2011, you will be more confident, because the land of dark hair, thicker hair effects, and not look dull. purplefish black and red mixture, which symbolizes the color of the year full of passion, ambition, and spontaneity. three dimensional effects with color, creating a unique blend in each helainya.

Hair dyes can be modified by chemical processes. Hair coloring is classified as "permanent" or "semi-permanent".

permanent color, as its name implies, permanent hair color - but because the hair continues to grow, the color will eventually grow as new, uncolored hair grows in.

permanent hair color to give the most flexibility because it can make hair lighter or darker and change the tone and color, but there is a negative. Constant maintenance (six-monthly or weekly) is essential to match the new hair that grows into the rest of the hair, and the drug fade. A permanent one-color dye to create color, flat uniform throughout the head, which can look unnatural and harsh, especially in dark colors. To overcome this, the modern trend is to use several colors - usually a single color as a base to add highlights or lowlights in other shades.

semi-permanent color washes out over a period of time - usually four to six weeks, so the root regrowth is less noticeable. Color end of each strand is affected by its original color and porosity, then there will be subtle variations in color on the head - more natural and less harsh than a permanent dye. However, this means that the hair is gray and white will not dye the same color as the rest of the head (in fact, some white hair will not absorb the color at all). A gray hair and a little white will blend in enough not to look, but because they become more widespread, there will come a point where a semi-permanent will not be enough. Move to 100% permanent color can be delayed by using semi-permanent as the basic colors, while still highlighting.

semi-permanent hair color can not lighten hair. Hair can only be alleviated using chemical lighteners, such as bleach. Bleaching is always permanent because it eliminates the natural pigment.

"Flushing" is a form of temporary hair color, usually applied to the hair during the shampoo and wash hair washed again next time.
29 Dec 2010