The Just My Luck actress, who's currently in India filming a BBC documentary about the trafficking of women and children, took a break from her journalistic pursuits on Wednesday to let the world know that she managed to spare dozens of tots' lives in the space of a single 24-hour period.
In a Twitter message that has since been deleted from her account—because she's just that humble—Lohan declared, Bravo, Miss Lohan!
Next up: Lindsay lifts a burning school bus full of children from a ravine, then spins the earth backwards on its axis to reverse time so that the accident never happened.
Is this news is true above the earliest post today on her - "Lindsay Lohan's Naked Pictures And Video with MUSE magazine - Fashion? Art? or Real?"
Please comment on this, what is true and what she do for publicity stunt... as a active blogger, this is my responsibility to post all the news related to her.