In the world of fashion we often witness the good, the bad, and the ugly. And we certainly have found the ugly: the once adorable Lindsay Lohan is the current cover girl for MUSE, a Fashionart Magazine. In the pictorial which is inspired by the relationship between Johnny Depp and Kate Moss in the 90's, Lohan is seen in various stages of undress baring partial breasts, and butt while depicting sexually provocative, and arguably raunchy behavior including a ménage a trios, or as we so affectionately call them, threesomes.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised by this behavior. After being christened as the Artistic Director for Ungaro in September, Lohan had a downright disastrous showing at Paris Fashion Week. Her Ungaro Spring/Summer 2010 collection was almost literally laughed off of the runway. Those who weren't laughing were busy sneering in utter disgust. She was roasted mercilessly by the critics. However, I personally had to wonder, when exactly did Lindsay Lohan become the fashion icon? Did I miss the memo? I don't recall anyone being thirsty to emulate her style. And at a time where everyone wants to be young, and claims that "40 is the new 20", what does it say about this 23-year old that she looks well, 40. Mmmh, not so fashionable.
These latest tragic turns have only been preceeded by numerous stints in rehab, spots in and out of the tabloids, and basically one train wreck scenario after another. Didn't Ms. Lohan used to act? I seem to recall her being in movies. This is really unfortunate because she really is a talented actress. Well, for the sake of all of us fashion lovers, perhaps she should spare us her "penchant for couture", and get back to what she does best, if anyone will have her. I really do hope she gets it together.
What do you think of Lindsay's new fashion spread? Art, fashion or foolishness?