Sunday, November 9, 2008

Kung Fu Panda DVD Release

In Jack Black's Kung Fu Panda photos Jack was really showing off some serious moves. The cute Panda bear himself was warily watching in the background at the DVD release on November 9, 2008 at where else but at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood CA.

The Kung Fu Panda t-shirt that Jack is wearing is pretty cool and I would love to own one. But the turquoise and black athletic shoes really take the prize for style in my book. As enticing as the outfit may be, I'm actually more excited about Kung Fu Panda and Po's new adventure Secrets of the Furious Five. Stay tuned for reviews and meanwhile I'm off to frame a few Kung Fu Panda posters for the game room to celebrate the release.

Return to Celebrity Fashions, Shoes, Boots, Purses and News for more Jack Black and Kung Fu Panda Party Photos.
09 Nov 2008