Friday, November 21, 2008

The Sarah Palin turkey video may be an indication that we have not seen the last of the satire surround the lovely Governor of the great State of Alaska just because the race to the White House has come to a close. She states in the video that a little bit of levity is a good thing. I wonder if her sense of humor stretches to the point of being alright about being set up to be interviewed in what appeared to be a turkey slaughterhouse while granting one bird amnesty.

I don't know about you, but because of the Sarah Palin turkey video, I may boycott turkey this year. It may take longer than a week to get a taste for turkey and dressing after watching the film. That may sound hypocritical to some, but I'm of the out of sight out of mind mentality. I prefer not to see where my meat comes from. Governor Palin on the other hand has been reported to be a hunter she is more than likely not the squeamish type. Getting up close and personal with the butchering process may not turn her stomach as it does mine.

2008 Museum Gala

Seeing this pic of Tina Fey panning for the camera at the 2008 Museum Gala held at the American Museum of Natural History one can't help but wonder is she relieved that the whole Sarah Palin thing is over in time for Thanksgiving turkey or does she miss all of the attention she got via the vice-presidential hopeful's look alike engagements? I wonder if she will be approached to give a satirical representation of the Sarah Palin turkey video?

She had reportedly mentioned in a joking way that when SNL was attempting to contact her to do the Sarah Palin act on the show that she was dodging their calls. This is not surprising as she probably has more than enough on her plate with her successful sitcom. However, I'm glad they finally were able to schedule her for the SNL appearance as it was without a doubt one of the best episodes ever!

In this pic, Tina has lost the signature eyeglasses and therefore much of the faux Palin personality. I wonder if it was as easy to drop the accent that she had perfected in her Tina Fey as Sarah Palin role? She had her speech patterns down pat and knew just how deeply to accentuate the telltale touchpoints without going into comedic overload which would have undermined the effects of the performance.

So, has the Sarah Palin turkey video convinced you to become a vegetarian?
21 Nov 2008