If we walk out of the house, we will
definitely find a young child or teen with its varied makeup.
Unconsciously we too are also doing a judgment of the people who ran in
front of us, based on the outfit he/she was wearing, the type of phone
he was carrying, haircut, or even the perfume he/she used.
Teenagers have
a lot of ways to hunt attention. Some of these are performed with the
eccentric, to be different from the others. They began to look odd with
the rare appearance of some controversy. Parents are so worried because
of what is shown is considered deviated from the traditional oriental.
Skimpy clothing for young women all-round well-liked.

love to look odd, it is often asked when observing their appearance in
some public places. The unusual can be seen from the way they dress and
physical routine. Who commented this is the way teenagers look for attention to show who he/she is. Fashions are regularly changing from time to time. And it seems, many teens who feel less slang if it does not follow fashion trends.
Surely one should not follow the trend of cutting-edge fashionable
dress. But, teens should also take into consideration the norms existing
in the vicinity.