Thursday, February 17, 2011

Every girls, when I say every, ALL OF THEM. Students and working adults, they will plan on what to buy and how to spend, when they get their monthly allowance or monthly salary. I can't say I never plan but I don't have much friends here to go out with me, and because I am pleased with my constant laziness and my boyfriend endures with it. So, every weekends we'll spend our times at home, playing games (all you peasants, not just bed games... computer games too..), watch movies and my Sundays will be, well I'll sleep through it so, there was never really a Sunday in my dictionary unless of course some important matters jump in my way of sleeping through and that, will eventually explain how I will skip and have a Sunday. Friends, so far I only have my colleagues which aren't that close to me. My manager that looks exactly like a female version of Justin Bieber =.= , then there's CY the sweetest girl, Diana a great woman, some geeky guys and cool girls I work with. I have my own ways of being around people and not much people can accept my way of thinking which I know of, but I don't care. I'm straight, well at least I think I am, normally people would think I'm joking when I'm insulting. Probably because I don't look like I'm insulting~ LOL! That's just me and deal with it.

Well, let's get to the point~

Next month, well not exactly next month.. At month end, I had planned with one of my colleague on going out shopping. I actually plan on getting myself a new fragrance and thinking of a new change in my fashion-y way of styling myself everyday. Yet, I still have no idea of how I am gonna make changes. I will I can earn more.... Whatever I want for myself so far as I can say is just some fucking dreams that can go on and on and on forever.

The plan is:

  1.  2 Pairs of jeans.
  2. A pair of slack.
  3. 2 Pairs of comforting shoes/sandals/wedges
  4. 3 Miniature fragrances and a 100ml.
  5. 2 Dresses.
  6. 3 Pairs of Bras & Panties.
  7. AND My Sweetheart's Birthday Present (Randall Tong)

I don't know  if this is gonna be possible, all I can say.. only one or two of the items mention will survived through the shopping. I know myself when it comes to spending money, I can be a prick. I prefer cheap stuffs so I won't hurt my feelings later on spending for unnecessary things. hahahahaha! But when I want it, nothing can stop me. Excuse me for my enthusiasm, but being a girl does not stop me from being pretty. LOL!~ FROM WANTING to be pretty that is.

It's either I start making good business or getting a great job or else I won't survive with my fucking attitude of wanting everything. Yea, I fucking know I am fuckin' greedy. For my future needs, just in case I am in need, I really do hope I earn a lot.. really, especially when it comes to wanting to buy the whole world for my parents.. Thinking about that, I know how fucking useless I am. I just hope I don't end up like my best friend's boyfriend, that relies on her only because he's fucking useless. No job, no life... Top to toe, in pocket, all the drinks, the car fuels, the xbox, the haircut...probably the underwear too..and etc. are ALL girlfriend's earnings. I don't wanna be like that guy although I'm a girl which I have the potential of taking advantage. I wanna shop myself without having to think that my boyfriend had to puke up money for my own things and I'd like to think that I can give my mum whatever she wants and whenever she ask for it. Damn, I'm useless. 

Well..... Tomorrow's Friday, next week's the day. Anybody out there to wish me luck on my pathetic life?? I'd take it even if you're a freakin' stranger who wanted to throw sarcasm at me. Laughing-Out-LOUD!
17 Feb 2011