Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Her Blog bores me big time already~~ I don't even know why the fuck would I bother going through it last time... LOL~ It is a vain blog, with a "wannabe" life but all the goods that she possessed are all great~~ When I say Great, IT'S FUCKING GREAT~~ Not to be sarcastic, but as I go through everything lately, I notice I fancy her travelling life, the thing I envy the most, is people who gets to travel whenever they like.

She is not pretty, and all... but having a great social life is what brings her out. 

So I guess what bores me is, if you manage to notice, all the fashion style is Japanese.. And upon my toe thumb I swear if the further you go through, you'll get this crazy feeling that everything tickles you toward stupidity and boredom-ness~~ Make up is great, BUT...ALL THE WAY IT'S THE SAME~~ Yes, just as lame as Japan Cawaii or Topteen Magazine~

Behold The Winner For 2010 Wannabe Goes To Blog:

Call me mean or jealous or whatever the fuck you wanna say... As so, I write as I like. Of course I put 100% on whatever interest me~ So, chill.. This one interest me as well, BUT FREAKIN' BORE ME IN THE END~
19 Jan 2011