Monday, January 17, 2011

Good Evening Everyone~~ I hope everyone is having a fine day today, well.... I was having quite a day until some lil' foolish act that I indirectly and unintendedly made which cost quite an embarrassment evening to just me... =.= I must say I am quite upset at the moment, that I don't feel like talking about the day or what just happen that really got me thinking~ So I guess, I had to agree with that of people say that women do think a lot after one incident. LOL~ Alright~ I don't normally give a fuck about what happen unless it really triggers me that much, and yes this evening's event really triggers me, my old memories, my past.. although everything is all by accident or maybe because I pamper myself too much with amusement that I forget how it was like to get upset~ 

Well, let's move on to what I wanna blog about actually. After all the upsetting evening I get, when I went home just now... I was all blank and blur and just having my emo upset bitching all about me~ But then I open my blog to check on the traffic, and I found a new follower which really excites me.. Hahaha!! Now, most of the blogs that I visits are creativities and hobbies, beauty or sarcasm blogs... but this one is different~ It's all classic!! The craze about horror movies and informations about it~ I must say that I myself don't really fancy horror movies.. but this guy or maybe girl, impresses me big time. To my dismay, I keep on viewing and viewing and browsing through all the posts that was created.. And here I am blogging about it. OMG!! From the horrible evening, this particular human made horrible into an amazing interest~ hahahahaha!! GOOD ONE DUDE!!! All the informations about horror movies from the old time classic horror and torturous thriller sex movies to the latest sneak~~ hahaha~~~ Sick and disturbing but enjoying~~ XD

Check it out!!!!!!

17 Jan 2011