Thursday, January 13, 2011

Maybe some of you have heard this, this Diane 35 pills. It is of well known contraceptic pills treatment for the skin specially of that certain type of acne women always get.

According to this website:

"This medication contains a combination of two ingredients: cyproterone and ethinyl estradiol. Cyproterone belongs to a group of medications known as antiandrogens. Ethinyl estradiol belongs to a group of medications known as estrogens. Together, they are used to treat certain types of acne in women. This medication works by regulating hormones that affect the skin."


"This medication is taken in 28-day cycles consisting of 1 tablet daily for 21 days, followed by a 7-day interval without medication (i.e., 3 weeks on, 1 week off).Tablets should be taken at the same time each day. Treatment is usually started on the first day of menstrual bleeding. Usually, several months of treatment are needed.
If spotting or breakthrough bleeding occurs during the 3 weeks during which this medication is being taken, contact your doctor.
If your menstrual period fails to occur during the 7-day tablet-free interval, do not start the next medication cycle and contact your doctor.
Many things can affect the dose of medication that a person needs, such as body weight, other medical conditions, and other medications. If your doctor has recommended a dose different from the ones listed here, do not change the way that you are using the medication without consulting your doctor.
It is very important to take this medication on a regular schedule as prescribed by the doctor. The medication will be less effective if you miss doses. If you miss a dose of this medication, and you remember within 12 hours, take the missed dose. If more than 12 hours have passed, discard the missed tablet and continue to take the remaining tablets in the pack at the usual time. Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed one.
Do not dispose of medications in wastewater (e.g. down the sink or in the toilet) or in household garbage. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medications that are no longer needed or have expired."

Cyproterone acetate (AndrocurCyprostat,CyproteronProcurCyproneCyprohexalCiproteronaCyproteronumNeoproxilSiterone) is an antiandrogen, i.e. it suppresses the actions of testosterone (and its metabolite dihydrotestosterone) on tissues. It acts by blocking androgen receptors which prevents androgens from binding to them and suppresses luteinizing hormone (which in turn reduces testosterone levels). Its main indications are prostate cancer,benign prostatic hyperplasiapriapismhypersexuality and other conditions in which androgen action maintains the disease process. Due to its anti-androgen effect, it can also be used to treat hirsutism, and is a common component in hormone therapy for male-to-female transsexual people.
Until the development of leuprolide, cyproterone was one of the few drugs used to treat precocious puberty. It was also used in animal experimentation to investigate the actions of androgens in fetal sexual differentiation.
In addition, cyproterone acetate has weak progestational activity (i.e., it acts like progesterone) and can be used to treat hot flashes. As part of somecombined oral contraceptive pills (Dianette in UK and Diane-35 in other countries) it decreases acne and hirsutism (male-pattern hair growth). []

According to as well, this medication will cause liver toxicity if it were to be consume in high dose.

So, is it safe to consume this medications??

Yes it is... As long as you don't go as far as suicidal maximizing the dosage just to be pretty. If you develop some form of allergic towards this medications or you just know that you are allergic to the CYPROTERONE, please do not go crazy to in any hell of a way to take it because it might kill you~!!

Some other side effects that might occur;
  • abdominal cramping, or bloating
  • appetite changes
  • breast pain, tenderness, or swelling
  • brown, blotchy spots on exposed skin
  • dizziness
  • gain or loss of body or facial hair
  • increased or decreased interest in sexual intercourse
  • increased sensitivity of skin to sunlight
  • nausea
  • swelling of ankles and feet
  • unusual tiredness or weakness
  • vomiting
  • weight gain or loss
Contact your doctor if you experience these side effects and they are severe or bothersome. Your pharmacist may be able to advise you on managing side effects.

Although most of the side effects listed below don't happen very often, they could lead to serious problems if you do not check with your doctor or seek medical attention.
Check with your doctor as soon as possible if any of the following side effects occur:
  • changes in the uterine bleeding pattern during or between menstrual periods (such as decreased bleeding, breakthrough bleeding or spotting between periods, prolonged bleeding, complete stopping of menstrual bleeding that occurs over several months in a row, or stopping of menstrual bleeding that only occurs sometimes)
  • depression
  • for women with diabetes: mild increase of blood sugar-faintness, nausea, pale skin, or sweating
  • for women with a history of breast disease: lumps in breast
  • headaches or migraines (although headaches may lessen for many users, they may increase in number or become worse for others)
  • increased blood pressure
  • symptoms of liver problems (e.g., swelling, pain, or tenderness in upper abdominal area, yellowing of eyes or skin, skin itching)
  • vaginal infection with vaginal itching or irritation, or thick, white, or curd-like discharge
Stop taking the medication and seek immediate medical attention if any of the following occur:
  • abdominal or stomach pain (sudden, severe, or continuing)
  • signs of blood clots (e.g., coughing up blood; pains in chest, groin, or leg - especially in calf of leg)
  • signs of heart attack (e.g., sudden chest pain or pain radiating to back, down arm, jaw; sensation of fullness of the chest; nausea; vomiting; sweating; anxiety)
  • signs of stroke (e.g., sudden or severe headache; sudden loss of coordination; vision changes; sudden slurring of speech; or unexplained weakness, numbness, or pain in arm or leg)
  • shortness of breath

I have been taking this pills for like one year already, and in one year there's 3-4 months of stop. Just to make sure I am healthy. Please stay alert on this matter as your life is more important. Good thing about this is, you'll have bigger boobs no doubt, you will look more healthy with glowing skin, also you will have perfect curves and you can have all the sex you wanted without getting pregnant.

Articles mostly taken from:


13 Jan 2011