Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Alright... I'm a freak for CLEO mag.. So, upon those busy days I have in these few days, I kinda forgot about getting the issue for December until TODAY!!! WOOOoohooo!! So, the first few pages are the same old lame-o advertisements of skin care products ya-di-ya-di-ya~~!!!

And.. I found this...

It's a Swatch Ad. I wish this was out in October... Because look at the make up... THIS IS THE MOST PERFECT VAMPIRE MAKE UP FOR HALLOWEEN I HAVE EVER SEEN!!! And... I Like it!!! So much! and thanks to the graphic designers as well as photographers... haha... I wish to know the make up artist. I adore him/her.. This is just simply perfect...

Well.. I'm not done flipping the pages just yet... But stay tune for...more of my... whatever I think I'm gonna say.. LOL!!! AND.. Yea... I got my e.l.f. Bronzer the other day and it's beautiful...way to try it out... I'll update on cam-whore when I had the chance to test it... Vain me!

Awesome Words Of The Day: The Jaw Breaking Vain Boobies~~~~~
30 Nov 2010