with this fabulous gallery wall from the new Ikea catalog,

and with strung party lights over looking the city, can't wait to drink some wine on Ms. Katie's roof deck this weekend.
For my next trick, I created striped pillows for the couch. - I bought a yard of natural color flax ...Read more
I've been happily busy these past few cold February weekends working on the new apartment. I'm exci...Read more
I'm thinking I don't want to go overboard with the painting of the new apartment. However, one thin...Read more
This is the first apartment where we finally get a proper workspace and I am so excited to turn it i...Read more
Just five more days until moving day and I am still up to my ears in inspirational spaces. Here are...Read more
With bright colors!!!Spring, come on in! I love Prada's bright and funky prints,shocking color combo...Read more