Loving these sweet, ladylike looks. Pretty impressive to fit both swimsuits and fur in one collection. And how about those wedges? Swoon....

Loving these sweet, ladylike looks. Pretty impressive to fit both swimsuits and fur in one collection. And how about those wedges? Swoon....
In 2010 cute short haircuts are trendy and for colors, warm blonde tones added before incorporating shorter shapes within the short hair. T...
Wasiat Sebelum Tidur Majdi As-Sayyid Ibrahim "Ali berkata, Fathimah mengeluhkan bekas alat penggiling yang dialaminya. Lalu pada ...
Let's begin with heat, have you every heard of the terms direct-heat and indirect heat? Well let me explain, direct heat when applied to...
Does the phrase "bad hair day" has stopped being metaphorical for you and is already becoming an everyday reality? The HairMax Las...
Blonde Hair Colour Brunettes or blondes that is the question and we've all heard the blonde jokes but ignore those and just go for what...
Top Beautiful Women Hairstyles brings you Celebrity Beautiful Long Women Hairstyles 2010 A lot of beautiful celebrities are wearing cool l...
Viva fabulous Italian women who take unapologetic fashion risks! (1, 3 Sartorialist ; 2 Garance dore )
In 2010 cute short haircuts are trendy and for colors, warm blonde tones added before incorporating shorter shapes within the short hair. T...
Dulu banyak sekali wanita muslimah yang "enggan" mengenakan jilbab dikarenakan alasan kesehatan, mode dan banyak hal. Sekarang bed...
Agar terhindar dari kesalahan memilih atau membeli pakaian, kenalilah kelebihan dan kekurangan tubuh anda. Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang ...
Keselarasan Busana Kerja merupakan keharusan bagi anda yang ingin tampil profesional, bagaimanapun juga busana mencerminkan kepribadian sese...
Cocktail Dress Sale
To celebrate our new blog and to showcase some of the beautful vintage jewellery that is arriving daily we we are holding our first ever CLO...
I can't think of anything that would make me happier than relaxing on a campground, sipping a brew, enjoying the outdoors and making so...