Casual Wedding Dresses Wedding is a very special affair and even in few years ago, people used to plan and prepare its dresses taking months...

Casual Wedding Dresses Wedding is a very special affair and even in few years ago, people used to plan and prepare its dresses taking months...
I was so inspired by the Tim Burton spread in Bazaar I blogged about a few weeks ago (and also these bad ass Chloe boots) a friend and I d...
Now that all, or at least most of my fall purchases have been made, I can reflect on the goods I bought. I think my hands down favorite new...
Apparently everyone knows I love a fashion homophone , because yesterday two separate people sent me them. In honor of Halloween being just...
This particular Monday is off to a rough start. Where I'd like to be today is playing dress up, gossiping and being silly with my favor...
Even though I'm not that into crime dramas, I'm a sucker for TV/fashion cross over, and this month Bazaar teams up with the cast of ...
Never thought I'd say this, but I'm having a clog moment. ( Vera Wang Lavender Label ) ( Lucky Brand ) ( DVF ) And these yummy wedge...